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Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology
CIP Name
Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultra Sound Technician
Current Year
CIP Code
Service Area Definition
Service Area Code
Non-Traditional Program

The Diagnostic Medical Sonographers pathway is designed to prepare individuals use high frequency sound waves to produce images of organs, masses, fluid collections, and vascular structures within the human body. Individuals are given the opportunity to master skills necessary to obtaining pertinent patient history, performing the sonographic examination, providing for the needs and comfort of the patient during examination, and recording anatomy and pathology or other data for interpretation by the supervising physician to aid in diagnosis.

Previous Versions

Provided below is a prior year version of this pathway. While we suggest you utilize the current year version, we have guidelines on how you can use the prior year version for this semester, and then switch to the current year next semester.

Click here to download past pathway PDF