Mississippi seeks proposals for Adult Education & Family Literacy Act programs. More details at: https://www.mccb.edu/offices/adult-education/grant-opportunities


The Office of Adult Education (OAE) is strategically shaping its plan to administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 – Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA). This plan positions the OAE as the pivotal agency responsible for overseeing the allocation of funds to eligible providers and ensuring program and performance oversight. The overarching objective is to propel adult education and literacy services throughout the state, aligning with the goals outlined in the State Plan.

Adult education in MS is designed to help individuals to gain the skills they need to either transition into further education, training, or directly into the workforce. To drive this vision forward, the OAE has set forth the following comprehensive goals:

1.       Improve Outcomes by Scaling Effective Models and Strategies: The OAE will focus on building, expanding, and scaling comprehensive career pathways systems across every adult education program. The aim is to achieve the expansion of evidence-based models, enhancing the overall effectiveness of adult education initiatives.

2.       Increase Postsecondary Transitions and Credential Attainment: By providing support and training to eligible providers, the OAE aims to ensure that students seamlessly transition to postsecondary education or training, earning in-demand credentials for self-sustaining employment. The integration of adult education with occupational education and training will be a key focus, promoting the development of career pathways systems.

3.       Strengthen College and Career Readiness for Adult Learners: The OAE will provide training and support to eligible providers, preparing adult learners for success in postsecondary education and the workforce. Emphasizing the Smart Start Course, based on the U.S. Department of Education's Employability Skills Framework, will be integral to this goal. The Smart Start Course was developed by the OAE and is an educational initiative aimed at equipping individuals with essential academic foundational knowledge and job readiness skills. Individuals not only gain fundamental education but also benefit from the ACT® WorkKeys Curriculum. This integration empowers individuals with a unique opportunity to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate®.

4.       Develop Multi-Level Career Pathways Options: The OAE aims to enable the creation of multiple entry points into postsecondary education tailored to various functioning levels of adult education learners. These pathways will align with identified student readiness levels and lead to credentials, certifications, and degrees that open doors to employment in high-growth, family-supporting jobs.


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